
MBT Training is Mind, Body, Technique Training

Our philosophy is that with proper mind training the body as a whole functions better. Our mind training is more accurately defined as Timing and Sequencing training. When our internal clocks are functioning correctly we achieve more and function better. Our bodies respond better to the signals from our brain and our brain handles all the stimuli we are bombarded with in a faster, more organized and efficient manner.

The body portion of our philosophy is simple. If we do the best we can in providing the proper nutrition and exercise, along with prompt attention to physiological and medical issues or signs of dysfunction then we will feel better about ourselves and be better able to respond to our brain's signals. We encourage all of our trainees to do their best in this regard and stand ready to refer them to the appropriate professionals.

Technique is required for everything. It is provided in many different ways. Most people think of it as coaching in sports, but that applies to everyone who has ever given us instruction in anything we do. Teachers, Coaches, Mentors, even colleagues. Wherever and from whomever we learn anything we pick up a technique. When combined with the other two areas of mind and body proper technique is how we put things into action.

MBT's IM training is designed to get the brain functioning at its best. How you approach training will determine your success.